Bardolino Rose D.O.C. gets its graduation

Il Bardolino Chiaretto D.O.C. prende la laurea

We have an important announcement: our Bardolino Rose D.O.C. got its graduation. The rose wine was the subject of our “baby of the house” Giorgia Marchesini’s thesis.

A detailed and in depth report on the peeling (the separino of the lees- grape seeds, peels, residues and various deposits – from the musts), and with this Giorgia earned her title of Doctor in Viticultural PhD in Viticultural and Oenological Science and Technologies. In particular, the thesis was on “Effect of the turbidity of the must on the fermentation kinetics and on the sensorial profile of Bardolino Rose D.O.C. wine”, investigating and assessing the impact of the presence of lees in the fermentation of Marchesini Rose and its consequences on the final organoleptic properties of the wine.

The oenological study is a fundamental operation needed to determine the quality of white and rose wines, considering  it increases the stability of the colour and decreases the presence of unpleasant aromas. It is a very delicate process which must be carried out with great care and attention, if the peeling is done in a severe way, this can cause the fermentation to slow down or stop all together, as the nutrients needed for the yeast growth could be removed.

How did the study of removing the Bardolino Rose skins take place

Due vasche di uva Corvina, Rondinella e Molinara sono state fatte decantare a freddo per dodici ore in presenza di enzimi pectolitici. Successivamente, da ciascuna vasca sono state prelevate due frazioni di mosto, che differivano per grado di torbidità (parametro indicativo della quantità di fecce presenti), e ognuna è stata fermentata con un diverso ceppo di lievito. Sulle frazioni sono poi state eseguite:

Two tanks of Corvina, Rondinella e Molinara grapes were cold decanted for 12 hours in the presence of two pectolytic enzymes. After this process, two fractions of must were taken from each tank, which were different in degree of turbidity (indicative parameter of the quantity of lee present), and each one was fermented with a different strain of yeast.  The fractions were then:

  • Microbiologically and chemically analysed: in order to highlight any differences due to the presence of lees
  • Panel test: to evaluate the organoleptic characteristics

It emerged that the yeasts reached a higher concentration in the turbid fraction.  However, the number of CFU/ml (Colony Forming Units per millilitre) decreases rapidly after reaching the maximum peak.  In the case of the peeled musts, on the other hand, the concentration of yeasts after the maximum peak remains constant.

During the sensorial analysis you can see a clear difference between the wines.  The limpid fractions show hints of tropical fruits, the turbot one however, brought tastes and aromas of spices and bitter astringent characteristics. This is probably due to the presence of the tannins contained in the skin and seed fragments of the grape that make up the lees.

Clarified is better!

From the results obtained, it seem that the clarification give better characteristics to the Bardolino Rose D.O.C., it is however, necessary to analyse the evolution of these wines over time in order to confirm this indication. We will be more than happy to invite you to taste the Rose wine in our winery and show you the steps we take to produce it.

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